Design and Development of Opportunistic Large Array Networks for Smart Grid Communications

Sensors and sensor networks have an important impact in meeting environmental challenges. Sensor applications in multiple fields such as smart power grids, smart buildings/meters and smart industrial process control significantly contribute to more efficient use of resources. Wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) are networks of nodes that sense and potentially also control their environment. They communicate the information through wireless links enabling interaction between people, devices, or computers and the surrounding environment.


This project deals with the application of wireless sensor networks for smart grid communication systems. Smart grid is an infrastructure that enables the delivery of power from generation sources to end-users to be monitored and managed in real time. Smart grids must be deployed in both existing systems (which in some cases are over 50 years old) as well as within totally new systems. Nevertheless, significant barriers must be overcome in order to deploy smart grids at the scale they are needed.


A major area that needs to be explored is the design and/or selection of communication technologies that convey information from various parts of grid system to be monitored by a central facility. Underlying communications infrastructure, whether using private utility communication networks (radio networks, meter mesh networks) or public carriers and networks (Internet, cellular, cable or telephone), support data transmission for deferred and real-time operation, and during outages. Along with communication devices, significant computing, system control software and enterprise resource planning software support the two-way exchange of information between stakeholders, and enable more efficient use and management of the grid.To address the various issues present in smart grid communication technologies, this proposal presents a simple form of cooperative communication technique, known as opportunistic large array (OLA), as a potential candidate for smart grid communications. OLA is a simple strategy that provides a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) advantage from the spatial diversity of distributed single-antenna radios.

Progress Report:

The project consists of two phases; A research phase where algorithms are needed to be designed and simulated and the other is the hardware implementations phase. The first half of the project was devoted to the Algorithms phase where MS students researched on various aspects of OLA transmissions. Among them the following areas of research were looked at:


  • Stochastic modeling of random OLA networks
  • Shadowing impacts on signal propagation in OLAs
  • Interference analysis in OLAs with multiple packets
  • Network code design in OLAs with multiple sources
  • Energy-efficiency of OLA networks


A handful number of conference and journal papers arose as the results of this research and 5-6 MS students were graduated. Recently (Aug 2014), we have started the implementations phase of this project, where we are building a test-bed of 11 software defined radios (SDRs) where different algorithms will be tested. We have successfully achieved the configuration of these radios and now conducting small tests for deploying multi-hop cooperation. The issues that we have looked upon are as follows:


  • Timing Synchronization for single hop and multi-hop scenarios
  • Carrier frequency synchronization issues
  • Relay selection for a GFSK-based multi-hop system
  • Range extension for differential BPSK scheme

Channel estimation and coherent combining

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Project News and Updates

May 2013: Project Commencement 
June 2013: A paper by Syed Ali Hassan accepted in Springer Wireless Personal Communications
June 2013: A paper by Mudasar Bacha and Syed Ali Hassan accepted to IEEE PIMRC 2013
July 2013: A paper by Asma Afzal and Syed Ali Hassan accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
July 2013: A paper by Mudasar Bacha and Syed Ali Hassan accepted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2013
August 2013: New Team Member Muhammad Arsalan Aslam joined IPT as a GRA for OLA project
September 2013: Muddassar Hussain joined the OLA Team as a Professional Developer.
December 2013: Two papers by Mudasar Bacha and Rafay Ansari accepted to IEEE ICNC 2014
March 2014: Three papers by Mudasar Bacha, Sidra Shaheen Syed, and Bilal Haroon accepted to IEEE IWCMC 2014
July 2014: A Paper by Asma Afzal accepted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
August 2014: Three UG Students started their final year project on OLA transmissions.

November 2014: Three papers accepted to IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days Conference.

December 2014: A journal paper by Mudasar Hussain accepted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

January 2015: A paper accepted to IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium.

Copyright Notice: Materials below are presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Internal or personal use of this material is allowed. Copyrights and all right therein are retained by the authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright.

Journal Publications

M. Hussain and S. A. Hassan, “The Effects of Multiple Carrier Frequency Offsets on the Performance of Virtual MISO FSK Systems”,IEEE Signal Processing Letters, to appear , 2014.

A. Afzal and S. A. Hassan, “Stochastic Modeling of Cooperative Multi-Hop Strip Networks with Fixed Hop Boundaries“, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no.8, pp. 4146-4155, Aug. 2014.

S. A. Hassan, Performance Analysis of Cooperative Multi-hop Strip Networks,”  Springer Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 391-400, Jan. 2014.

M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, “Performance Analysis of Cooperative Linear Networks Subject to Composite Shadowing Fading,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 5850-5858, Nov. 2013.


Conference Publications

M. Hussain and S. A. Hassan, “Performance of Non-Coherent FSK Virtual MISO Systems in Correlated Rayleigh Fading”,Proceedings of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Jan. 2015, San Diego, CA, United States.

M. Hussain and S. A. Hassan, “Imperfect Timing Synchronization in Multi-Hop Cooperative Networks: Statistical Modeling and Performance Analysis”, Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, Nov. 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

M. Hussain and S. A. Hassan, “Analysis of Bit Error Probability for Imperfect Timing Synchronization in Virtual MISO Networks”,Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, Nov. 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Q. Shafi and S. A. Hassan, “Interference Analysis in Cooperative Multi-Hop Networks Subject to Multiple Flows“, Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, Nov. 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

S. S. Syed and S. A. Hassan, “On the Use of Space-Time Block Codes for Opportunistic Large Array Network”, IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Aug, 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus.

M. B. Haroon and S. A. Hassan, “On the Impacts of lognormal-Rice Fading on Multi-Hop Extended Networks“, IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Aug, 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus.

M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, “Coverage Aspects of Cooperative Multi-hop Line Networks in Composite Fading Environment“, IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Aug, 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus.

M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, “Coverage Aspects of Cooperative Multi-hop Line Networks in Correlated Shadowed Environment“, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Feb, Hawaii, United States, Feb 2014.

R. I. Ansari and S. A. Hassan, “Opportunistic Large Array with Limited Participation: An Energy-Efficient Cooperative Multi-Hop Network“, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Hawaii, United States, Feb. 2014.

A. Afzal and S. A. Hassan, “A Stochastic Geometry Approach for Outage Analysis of Ad Hoc SISO Networks in Rayleigh Fading,”IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom), Atlanta, Georgia, Dec 2013.

M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, “Distributed versus Cluster-Based Cooperative Linear Networks: A Range Extension Study in Suzuki Fading Environments,” In Proc. IEEE Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, UK, Sept. 2013.

S. A. Hassan, “Range extension using optimal node deployment in linear multi-hop cooperative networks,” IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Austin, Texas, Jan. 2013.

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